Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Unit 8 Test

Hope everyone is studying and reviewing for tomorrow's Unit 8 Test. To help I have posted the notes in case you have missed anything. Also, many of you have asked for the answer to the sample intelligence test questions I gave you, so I included them below as well.


Intelligence Test Answers:
1. Friday
2. a. P Y The alternate letters starting with S spell
“silver anniversar,” and this sequence completes
the phrase “silver anniversary.”
3. 25
6. b
7. b
8. b
9. TOM
11. JANE
12. 9 p.m.
13. b. Both grow in the ground.
14. a. Alternate numbers go up by 2 and down by 1,
starting with 1, and 10.
15. e is the only one that is not an artistic work made
by man.
17. 5
18. c
19. LAND
20. c. The number of lines goes down opposite the
stick, up on the side with the stick, and the stick
alternates from lower left to top right.
Respondents score one point for each correct
answer. They should add 5 points if they finished in less
than 20 minutes, and 3 points if in less than 30 minutes.
Scores range from 0 to 25. On the basis of the scores of
some Mensa members who took the test, Salny provides
the following interpretation of scores.
25 You’re an excellent Mensa candidate.
25–24 You can almost surely pass the Mensa
supervised test.
14–19 A very good candidate for Mensa.
10–13 A fair candidate.
Below 10 Everyone has an off day!

Side note:

An intelligence test does not measure drive, persistence,
creativity or any of the myriad other skills that often
count for more in achieving success out of school. A low
score on an I.Q. test does not mean probable failure in
life. All it means is that the person taking the test did
poorly on that particular test. Most of us do not spend
our lives in situations that can be measured by paperand-
pencil tests. Since this is so, scores obtained on such
tests should be viewed with some restraint if they are
high and with some skepticism if they are low. They
measure only one aspect of a total life pattern.

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