Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Since most of you identified with procrastination from the blog post on metacognition I thought I would share this video with you. This video very wittingly explains why it is that we procrastinate and what to do about it. Try out some of the suggestions and see if it helps you get things done that you always seem to put off until the last minute.


  1. In my calculus class, I was very diligent in the beginning of the year with finishing my work. But as the class got harder, I started to procrastinate studying more and more, because I dreaded it more, just like Charlie starts to procrastinate with his Youtube videos. It became more of a job. In order to be able to finish the work, I pretty much lock myself in a room with no distractions.

  2. I can definitely relate to this! I feel like technology, cell phones, social networking sites, etc. have really contributed to more procrastination in teenagers now more than ever before. He was right when he said turn it off! We might get a lot more done that way.

  3. I really enjoyed this video because it was funny and informative. I relate to this because when I really need to get work done, I put my phone in another room and only check it once I am finished. I realize I do this now because my limbic system wants to check the phone more and more when it hears the sound of a text or something else. If I cancel this, I can restrain from procrastination (at least some)!

  4. I have struggled with procrastination for several years now, always becoming distracted by more "interesting" things. In fact, I am procrastinating my homework right now and instead decided to check out this blog! Anyways, I found that a good way to combat my procrastination is to get out of my house and do my work in a quiet place where less distractions may be present (Panera Bread, local library, ect.). This way I get my homework finished much faster, allowing me to enjoy the rest of the day doing whatever I want and not staying up until 2:00 in the morning.

  5. I do believe his explanation as to why we procrastinate is very true. As for me, it is a matter of self-discipline at this point. In order to eliminate distractions, I must make them less tangible myself, which is some thing I struggle with very persistently.

  6. I found this video very interesting and relatable. Sometimes when I'm doing homework or studying, I'll make deals with myself by allow myself to check my phone, update twitter, or grab a snack once I've completed a certain amount of work. By this reward system, I have the motivation to complete my work.(I just typed this whole thing with a british accent in my head)

  7. I read a book on how deciding works and it stated that parts of the brain in the limbic system and the prefrontal cortex sort of "battle" each other to make rational decisions. I didn't even think of this as an example, but this is like a direct application of that theory.

  8. When I'm trying to get homework done, I usually will let myself take a break, get a snack, or check my phone. Now I do my work in my room, with no food around, and my phone on silent. I seem to get a lot more done and I don't get distracted anymore.

  9. I really liked this video not only because I could relate to it, but because it was funny. I have a tendency to keep my phone or iPod close by for that "quick" update while working. I find it funny that the only time chores may actually get done is when I'm procrastinating work. I'm slowly learning to at least keep my phone on silent and out of sight to maintain my focus.

  10. This video accurately communicates the frustrations I have with completing a long term task. To fix this, I either must rid of the distractions in my environment, or establish a reward system where I can do what I'd rather be doing after progress has been made on my long term task.

  11. Ironically I am procrastinating on my econ hw as I am doing this. After I post this, I will combat my limbic system and hopefully my econ hw will get done!

  12. I think almost all students can relate to this vedeo. All of us tend to procrastinate at times, some more than others. The video tells us that we can avoid it by not paying attention to our limbic system for a while and trying to listen to our prefrontal cortex. I'm actually going to start putting my phone away now.

  13. PsychologicalSnorlaxJanuary 7, 2013 at 9:14 AM

    This is the same with my art in ap drawing and painting. The very beginning was an easy fun thing to do, now I have to give myself breaks every so often to actually get work done.

  14. It was interesting to learn about how the prefrontal lobe and the limbic system are connected to procrastination. Maybe in the future I can try to get done with what is important and than afterward reward myself with things that would have tempted me to procrastinate in the past.

  15. I actually just watched that video to procrastinate. I should be studying spanish and/or doing my calculus homework. Instead I'm on the computer and cleaning my room... I never clean my room. What the kid said makes sense, and I'll get to working now.

  16. I find myself always looking for the instant satisfaction of tasks that are easily completed. I would much rather clean my room, or do a short work sheet than begin something that I know will be a long term project. Things like studying for a test, or learning a musical piece are far less gratifying in the moment and because of that I tend to procrastinate them.

  17. I can definitely relate to this video! I feel as though my limbic system is constantly begging me to check my phone or computer once I finally sit down to start my homework. I used to put my phone on silent and toss it across the room so it wouldn't be a distraction but unfortunately, I still had the constant urge to look at it. Now, I give my phone to my mom to keep since I know she won't give it back until all my homework is complete. I have started listening more and more to my prefrontal cortex and I hope it will pay off in the long run!

  18. i agree with this video i procrastinate all the time when doing homework or even getting ready for work. I know i have to do it but im not motivated at all when the time comes and I always continue to put it off. Eventually waiting till the last minute.

  19. Reverse Psychology 5January 8, 2013 at 7:47 PM

    I find myself procrastinating on everything! I even procrastinated on writting this comment. I mostly find myself procrastinating on project or assingments that are more challenging or time consuming. Over the years I have learned that I better change my ways before college. I'll try and listen to this guys advice.

  20. I am really good at procrastinating (like we were supposed to comment a long time ago, and its almost the end of the quarter and I'm just now commenting...) but I agree it's because of the instant satisfaction that the prefrontal cortex doesn't give. While I procrastinate, I have that feeling of "I really should be doing my homework right now" but somehow I still find myself on my phone. I used to be really driven with school, but the classes I don’t like, or I’m not good at are usually the classes where I do the homework last minute.

  21. It's good to know that i'm not the only one procrastinating here. I think i'm procrastinating more and more as the year goes on. I tell myself that I work better when I listen to music, but I know that's not true. Listening to music is so much more fun than doing homework, so I usually end up getting nothing done. I guess my limbic system won the battle. I'll try to start putting my ipod away...maybe

  22. Even though procrastinating is bad and we all do it, I'm certain that I will keep procrastinating. My favorite part of procrastination is that I become super productive in unnecessary tasks. Math homework or clean room? I choose to clean my room. Spanish project or college essay? I choose college essay. Without procrastination, I'd be living in a mess. So I'll keep letting my brain battle inside my head because it helps me out. I'd rather feel good and gratified instantly all the time.

  23. I can definitely relate to what he is saying in this video. I procrastinate starting my work, and I will find any excuse to put it off. Once I get started, though, I can usually stay focused. I always start off with easier, shorter assignments so I get the gratification of accomplishing something I needed to do. Somehow, that helps me deal with starting larger, more tedious tasks.

  24. Well I certainly find myself struggling with procrastination. I almost always wait until the last minute before things are due. Although, after watching this video earlier today, I actually tried some of his suggestions and was able to successfully study for an honors physics test that I have. I studied for four hours without getting distracted once. I think I'll try to seclude myself from procrastination temptations more often!

  25. I find that the more difficult a given task is the more I want to procrastinate. Doing a small worksheet of math problems is a lot easier for me to get done than a 5 page essay. I think that because the task is challenging our brain tells us that we can do it later because it knows it won't be enjoyable and will take up a considerable amount of time.

  26. I usually try not to procrastinate when I get home from school or extracurricular activities so I can have more time later to do what I want to do, but when I get home all I want to do is watch tv or check social media. I feel like our generation's priorities have shifted from working our hardest to get farther in life to putting it off until the last possible minute.

  27. I can certainly relate to Charlie, in fact, I just gave myself a stretch and water break as soon as I opened this page. Had I known that this would be a charlieissocoollike video, I'm sure I would have completed this assignment much earlier. However, I now want to watch youtube videos instead of completing my other homework, I should just turn off my limbic system.

  28. I managed to procrastinate on posting this for about a week just using snack breaks. It seems that I need to work on allowing my prefrontal cortex to take control rather than listening to my limbic system.

  29. I find that the more important a task is, the more I want to put it off. For example, I often start extra credit assignments before required ones. I don't know why I do work this way, but I hope to prioritize better in the future.

  30. The beginning of this video is so relate-able to my life it's not even funny. Right now i should be studying for my exams but i thought to myself that I've procrastinated long enough on commenting on this blog--and that i should probably do it since it is due by tomorrow :). But at least i got it done, right? ...I should probably go study for my exams now...

  31. I love the fact that this video was made BY a teenager. Someone who really does understand how easy it is in our generation to procrastinate. Our generation has so many distractions. From Twitter, to Facebook, to those "very interesting" reality shows we watch. His example of doing his taxes perfectly describes me! I will clean my room, wash my car, and do all the things that I never want to do when I have free time when I actually have homework to do. I will find any excuse to waste time even though I know it is just going to screw me over in the long run. He did a great explaination of how your brain, specifically the limbic system, work with the idea of procrastination. Overall, a very informative video.

  32. Many, if not all, high school students are accused of procrastination. This is why there are so many comments on this topic that people can relate to. I believe this is due to the many different distractions there are. You have many different things to do, such as watch television or play on your smartphone, and homework is near the bottom of most student's lists. Each student has to deal with procrastination differently, and it is best to start dealing with it as early as possible.

  33. I find that procrastination is an everyday problem to me. It's always hard for me to start a task, whether it's homework or chores. I think the hardest thing to do, like stated in the video, is getting started, especially with so many distractions around nowadays like phones and television or even just sitting there just to avoid getting started. I find any excuse to avoid starting homework, even with just saying it's because I'm a senior.

  34. I beleive this topic is especially relatable to me as it is te last day of the quarter and I am just now getting to my first comment. I find that my procrastination could be related to overactivity in the limbic system as I too feel that the hardest part of an assignment is getting focused enough to start it. With all of the distractions out their, it is no suprise that procrastination is as prevelent as it is.

  35. I can easily relate to this video over procrastination. During my senior year, especailly, I have procrstinated more than usual. Every day when I get home, I always tell myself I will start on my homework, but I never follow through, something always distracts me. For example, just last week I was suppose to study for a physics test. Instead of doing the right thing and studying, I decided to go into the bathroom and shave my body. Procrastination gets the best of us all somethimes, but we have to learn strategies to deal with this worldwide problem.

  36. Procrastination is one of the hardest things for me to deal with during school. I find it hard to concentrate on school work while in school and after school at home. Like most people have stated above, the hardest thing to do is get started. I have done some of the weirdest things go procrastinate like clean my car out, or mow the lawn. Procrastination is something all kids deal with, but it has to be dealt with sooner or later, or it will be difficult to deal with later in life.

  37. I have found that this video provides a very relatable topic and applies to me. Even though I boast that I am stronger than procrastination, it affects me greatly. I put off my psychology homework until the day before if not the day of. Senoritis is a very convenient location to place the blame. I find that this video provides a good way of handling such procrastination and helps justify that which I already implement to fight procrastination.

  38. So when i started watching this video i thought i was being a responsible student, completing a homework assignment. However, about half way through the video i realized i was using this homework assignment to procrastinate studying for the exams tomorrow....awk. Anywayzz this video at least made me realize that in order to study for exams i DON'T need to watch two episodes of "how i met your mother", get a drink, check HAC, and then complete a homework assignment. So now I'm going to get off the computer and study. if we're being honest after i check fb)

  39. This video is a pretty fun and entertaining way to look at procrastination. I always enjoy finding other things to do instead of homework; whether it be cleaning my room, playing musical instruments, watching tv, or playing xbox. During the first few periods of school I say to myself "today is the day I finish all of my homework." Of course I take home all my homework, and have the intention of doing it. As soon as I walk into my house I plop my backpack down, and it doesn't get touched until the next day when I bring it back to school. I guess I should probably find better ways to avoid distractions, and actually get my work done so I'll be more happy with my long term fulfillment.

  40. I find that I procrastinate quiet often, especially when it comes to studying. I usually tend to put of smaller assignments rahter than larger one's. When the assignment is small I get in the mind set of "I can finish this in ten minutes." which gets pushed off until the class before it's do. Whe the assignment is larger I tend to finish it a head of time out of fear that I might put it off too long. I actually found myself trying to make this post at the very last minute becuase of the excuse I stated above. I can't really say that distractions are entierly the problem for me. I should probably make an effort to finish small things first since i already know that I'll try to put it off.

  41. I can really relate to this video, seeing as though I, myself, am procrastinating right now. We were supposed to post on this blog at least once before the quarter was over and I put it off until about 1 day before it was due...At any rate, I still made the deadline but I do feel inspired to stop procrastinating as much. Personally, I blame social networks and Netflix for my procrastination,but now I know it's just my limbic system and prefrontal cortex fighting with each other for my attention. Learned something new today.

  42. It is very interesting that there is a biological reason to why people procrastinate the way they do. It shows how far we as humans have developed. Our more primitive system and our more advance system have a severe power struggle to see what we listen to. It is fascinating to see that most people fall back to their basic thoughts when it comes to procrastinating. Procrastinating is something that has plagued me for years and now this new information helps me counter act the problem.

  43. This video really helps me understand why we actually procrastinate. The scientific reasoning to procrastionation make him more believable and trustworthy in his explinations. He also gives very good advice to help me stop procrastinating. It might be hard to turn my internet off when I need to get my homework done but, I know from experience that when the internet is out I usually get more work done. From watching this video I now know that when I want to get work done, I should turn my phone, ipod, and computer off in order for brain to not want to procrastinate as much.

  44. This video is actually very timely because I just got scolded for the very same thing! man, home access center sucks. I mean that jokingly of course.. I did learn the hard way to not put things off and now I have a better knowledge of why it happens. This is a great video and I would recommend it to anyone in any grade out there. in fact, i will share it soon.

  45. This video is very helpful! totally puts a different light on the every now and then slothful behavior. Now that I know how to combat it, I'm sure I'll be able to stick on task more and my grades would improve.

  46. This was interesting learning how the brain and what parts of the brain cause the procrastinating, I never knew it worked that way. Procrastinating is something I deal with everyday. With the tips he gave in the video, I think I will try them.

  47. When I'm really stressed with homework or studying, I tend to procrastinate so bad that I end up just not doing it. Learning how the brain works and why we procrastinate was really helpful for trying new ways to beat it. Also, the Spacing Effect we learned in class helped me to spread work out over time which leads to less stress and getting more things accomplished.

  48. As the year progresses, I find that I am more prone to procrastination. This video was interesting and it made me examine these new tendencies. I tend to tackle larger assignments but then ignore the smaller ones until last minute. I underestimate the time it will take to complete them and then wind up doing them very quickly or inadequately before class. I never really thought about how much this has happened lately until I saw this.

  49. This video definitely hits all the ways to procrastinate. I'm very prone to procrastinating, that's why I'm doing this post at 11 p.m. I'm that person who will do my taxes instead of what I'm actually supposed to be doing when I procrastinate. So learning why we procrastinate and what areas of the brain cause it was very interesting to me.
