Thursday, December 13, 2012

Watch Yourself Sleep

After finishing our unit on States of Consciousness and spending much of that time discussing sleep and dreams a student shared with me a audio file of herself talking in her sleep. She was able to obtain this by using an app, Sleep Talk Recorder, that, when left on, detects when you make sounds in your sleep and then begins recording what you say for the next 15 seconds. When you awake in the morning you have files of all your sleep talk. So, I began looking for other sleep apps and there are a lot out there. One in particular that I found interesting is called "Sleep as Android". When left on your mattress as you sleep it records how well you sleep and other sleep data. In the morning you have a graph of your sleep quality and data about your sleep debt. It also allows you to set smart alarms with your own play list and listen to your choice of soothing sounds as you sleep. The extention to this app will give you suggestions on how to then get a better nights rest. I encourage you to check them out and let me know what you think.


  1. Wow, this app seems like a rather nifty use of the technology we have available to us nowadays. Though I don't do much in my sleep currently, my parents recently informed me that I had both slept walked and talked when I was younger. If I had had this app then, I could have caught a glimpse of the "locked up" portion of my brain as described by Freud. Oh well, I guess I will never know now...

  2. This actually seems really cool. I am a sleep talker from what I've been told and I am going to try this app tonight!

  3. I have been told that I sleep talk and have woken myself up before because I was saying something. Usually whatever is happeneing in my dream I wake up saying something related to it. I could use this app it seems really cool.
