Sunday, November 25, 2012

Monocular Depth Cue Assignment

Today in class we talked about how the brain perceives depth from the 2D image projected on the retina. The Brain uses cues from either the retinal image in just one eye (monocular) or by comparing the retinal images from both (binocular) to perceive depth. Tonight I want you to use 3 of the monocular cues we discussed or from your textbook (pg. 246-248) to draw a 2D picture that represents 3D depth.  Don't worry, I am not grading your artistic abilities. Therefore, you will need to list the three monocular cues you attempted to utilize. Explain where they exist in your drawing and why it creates the perception of depth. Good luck...

Remember mine... take an ordinary train that is only 2D and boring and enhance it by using linear perspective. Notice all the parallel lines (linear perspective) converging in the distance (vanishing point).

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